Tuesday, June 14, 2011

4 Hours, Rules & Getting Off Your Butt

On my other blog, 210 Unread Books I reviewed Timothy Ferriss's, The 4 Hour Workweek. I read it again recently for the 2 1/2 time and realized that Tim's philosophy about work and life gel pretty well with Sane & Satisfied. Tim teaches uber-productivity skills and doesn't put much stock in the term "expert".

The main thing I learned from Tim is to not let rules have so much power over my life and actions. We all have real and imagined rules that dictate our actions and beliefs and most of the time these rules keep us from doing things we really want to do or live a life we really want to live. These rules are imposed on us by others, by tradition, and by ourselves. After reading The 4 Hour Workweek I recognized many rules I made up about myself and my life and tricked myself into thinking they couldn't be broken.

Breaking rules is mandatory for a Sane & Satisfied lifestyle. After all its these very rules that keep us stressed and unhappy.

So what rules are governing your life? If you can take a day to focus on recognizing these rules you will be amazed how many you find. But don't stop at just recognizing the rules and trying to "think differently" about them. You must take action to break the rules. Tim suggests to write down your goal, in this case your goal will be: Break such-and-such rule. Then write down three important, meaningful steps and complete one today, one tomorrow and one the next day. This technique is to ensure that you start right now without excuse.

The 4 Hour Workweek philosophy that really hit home for me was that success (and productivity) isn't a secret process. 99% of the time it comes down to having a clear vision and getting off your butt.

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